an active region of a solar eruption
a solar flare
a large sunspot cluster seen in 2000
visible sunspots seen from Earth
a plasma eruption swirled by magnetic field lines
the southern lights seen from space
the sun's magnetic field
an elongated solar filament
a sungrazer nearing the sun
a coronal helix
waves rippling from a solar flare
a very long solar filament
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Turbulent StarA close-up of the sun from 1999 shows how solar plasma is constantly in motion, giving the star a textured appearance.As the sun's magnetic field lines get tangled, they create clusters of stronger magnetic activity that push around the sun's surface plasma. These so-called active regions are seen as bright spots in the extreme ultraviolet image above.A large solar prominence—a cloud of plasma suspended by the sun's magnetic forces—is seen erupting at upper right.
Image courtesy SOHO/ESA/NASA

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